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Style on the Go!
Jill and I went for a walk through town tonight, hoping to find a few people to catch on film. Everywhere we went, people were on the move and almost impossible to photograph! I literally chased two different people down the road to try and get a picture, and one of them I didn’t even catch! Jill looked at me and said, “Oh man, that guy was the fastest man in the world! WTF??” So, aside from everyone being just a few steps out of reach, I got two photos worth sharing.
This fellow may have just been coming from work, but I liked the suspenders, and the big collar. More people should rock suspenders.
This lady was bookin’ it down the street! It took me three tries to catch her and actually focus my camera. I’m on the fence as to whether I like this look or not, but the bolero jacket and bright leopard print pencil skirt are an interesting combination to say the least.
Style on the Street – Fashion-Cyclista
Look at this sassy lady! This is Tusia, and she is rocking a sweet shirt dress and heels on this sunny Vancouver day. She is also rad because she is a bike mechanic at my local shop, and it’s pretty hard to beat a fashionista on a bicycle!
Style on the Street
I really like this super minimal grey dress! The boots and red socks really worked well with it too.
Kanye West – Genius or D-bag?
I see Kanye West from a few different perspectives.
In my opinion, he does have a good fashion sense, and is one of the few artists that has left the old hip hop image behind. For a while, I had the idea that Kanye was just a self absorbed, flamboyant/obnoxious douche bag. From “George Bush hates black people” to “I’ma let you finish, but Beyonce had the best album of the year”, Kanye seemed to have a knack for pissing people off. At first I thought he did stuff like this purely because he is a dick, but then I realized that all of the stunts that he pulls are part of an ongoing plan to keep him in the spotlight. Everything is calculated and controlled. Now, storming the stage at the MTV Music Video awards, shows that in his pursuit of the spotlight, he is still a prick, but as much as people loathed him afterwards, he has only become more popular.
So, that being said, I prefer to look at him as a mad scientist/artist, best exemplified by his latest endeavor, a short film combining a medley of songs from his most recent album, “My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy” with a visual drama composed by him.
The movie is said to be influenced by film noir and concerns a fallen phoenix whom Kanye falls in love with. Check it:
Of course, there is Kanye’s fashion sense, which I think is worth noting:
So, there you have it. Musician, Fashionista, Director, Douche Bag.